Friday 23 December 2016

The most useful plants on earth.

Grasses are very important for survival of not only of animals but also for humans. Rice, wheat, barley, maize, jowar, bajra, oat and many more grains, which are staple diet of humans all over the world, are of grass family. Sugarcane also is a grass. But one plant among the grasses, which surpasses all other grasses in utility, is Bamboo. It is estimated that there are around 1000 varieties of bamboo. There are dwarf as well as giant bamboos.

Bamboo plants are perhaps fastest growing plants on the earth. One species of a bamboo grows about 4 feet high in a day; it means it grows about 2 inches per hour. Bamboo plants are very resilient to diseases and pests. Due to their growth pattern of spreading their rhizomes horizontally underground, they help in preventing soil erosion. They are fast regenerating plants. They are used as fodder. Elephants love to feed on young shoots of bamboo. For Giant Panda bamboo is the main source of food. It is reported that in comparison to other plants with equal density of foliage, bamboo produces 35% more Oxygen.

Musical instrument flute was discovered by humans from the sweet sounds which emitted from hollow stems of the bamboo. One name for flute is 'बन्सी/बांसुरी'. In Sanskrit bamboo is called as 'वंश' and 'बांस' is the name in Hindi. So other name of flute in Hindi is 'बांसुरी'.

Bamboo has certain medicinal properties. 'वंशलोचन' which is also called as 'तबाशीर' (Bamboo Manna) is a siliceous resin exuded by bamboo. It is used in Unani and in Ayurvedic medicines. Tender bamboo shoots are used as vegetable but due to their toxicity they are shredded finely and soaked in water overnight to remove the toxic elements. Beautiful and durable furniture is made from bamboo. Unlike many other timbers bamboo can be bent with heat treatment. Bamboos are also widely used for construction. Even today bamboo scaffoldings are used in building construction, repairs and painting. Main raw material for paper making is bamboo. Many utility items like baskets for vegetables and for transporting poultry birds bamboo comes very handy. Bamboo is a most versatile natural material for handicrafts. I feel there is no other plant on earth which can compete with bamboo to provide livelihood to humans. Recently fabric is also made from bamboo. This fabric is supposed to be thermo-friendly; that is, it keeps cool in summer and warm in winter.

Bamboo stems which are above ground are called as 'Culm'. The culm has no normal leaves but has a modified leaf in form of a sheath. This sheath provides protection and support to newly forming shoot. As the culm grows, the sheath is shed. Only lateral branches of bamboo have normal foliage.

Golden bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris), Buddha belly bamboo (Bambusa ventricosa), Black bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra), Male bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus), Giant bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus ), Japanese dwarf bamboo (Bambusa multiplex) are some of the species found in Indian gardens and in parks. Gloden bamboo has golden colored culms with green streaks. Buddha belly bamboo is swollen stem between the nodes like sausages. Culms of black bamboo are deep purplish and look almost black. Male bamboo is almost solid with a very narrow hollow portion. Giant bamboo has very tall and huge culms. This bamboo is also used for making utensils. It is reported that rice cooked in the bamboo utensil has some special flavor. Japanese dwarf bamboo is very useful in a garden to make topiaries and also for screening purpose. Bamboo is also used for making trellis, arches and gazebo for growing creepers. In Himalayan range there is a most beautiful bamboo, of which culms are blue in colour. It is called as "Himalayan Blue Mountain Bamboo", scientifically known as Borinda boliana. There is a cute and dainty bamboo creeper also.

Bamboo plants flower only once in their life time. Depending upon the species, they produce mass flowering after certain age; after which they die a natural death. But before they die, they shed millions of seeds which grow to replace the dead plants. Many rodents are attracted to eat the fallen seeds. Humans also feed on these rodents. Bamboo plants can be propagated by division, stem cuttings and from seeds (only when available).

Finally in Hindus their last journey also is on a stretcher made of bamboo.