(b) Anchored to sub-soil plants (c) Free floating plants. (d) Submersed plants.
Bog plants are those which grow in soil but need stagnant water near their roots all the time. Example: Acorus calamus (वेखंड), Cyperus alternifolius (Umbrella palm) and Typha angusta (रामबाण).
Acorus calamus |
Cypers alternifolius |
Cyperus prolifer |
Limnocharis flava |
Sagittaria montevidensis |
Sagittaria sagittifolia |
Anchored to sub-soil plants are those of which roots are submersed in water but leaves/flowers grow on surface of water or outside water. Examples: Water lily, Lotus.
Nymphaea species |
Free floating plants remain floating in water and can float away along with flowing water. Examples: Pistia stratiotes (Water cabbage), Lemna minor (Duck weed), Salvinia auriculata (Water ferns), Ludwigia sidioides (Water mosaic) and Azolla pinnata.
Water cabbage |
Duck weed |
Water mosaic |
Cabomba |
Vallisneria spiralis |
Hydrilla verticillata |