Tuesday 5 July 2016

Dregea volubilis

Dregea volubilis, Syn: Wattakaka volubilis. Commonly known as Sneeze Wort, Green wax flower and Akadbel, HirandoliHemajivanti is a large woody climber native to India. Its new leaves have silvery gray soft woolly growth. As the leaves mature the hairy growth becomes less. The flowers grow in a cluster and are absolutely green in colour. These flowers are mildly scented but the scent is exuded only in the evening and at night. The fruits normally are borne as twins. At maturity the pod splits and the seeds having silky, soft tufts like parachutes fly quite far and wide with wind. The climber is supposed to have certain medicinal properties. It is also a food plant for Blue Tiger butterfly larva.

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